A b o u t  U s
M a c E a s y C o m p u t i n g


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  C o n t a c t  U s

MacEasy Computing
Norristown, PA 19403
9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

  O u r  M i s s i o n

It is our mission to provide our clients with quality business informational systems. We are committed to designing our software with the customers needs in mind. We are committed to working one on one with our clients in order to develop a database that will improve their data management productivity. We pride ourselves in providing high tech computer solutions without high tech computer talk.

  O u r  H i s t o r y

MacEasy Computing was founded in 1993 and is the oldest and most experienced FileMaker Pro Developers in the Philadelphia area. MacEasy Computing is a growing company with an experienced staff equipped to handle problems from a variety of industries. MacEasy has hundreds of solutions in use in industries such as: printing, mail house, retail sales, mail order, breeding, magazine fulfillment, contact management, real estate, research and development, school budgeting, marketing, golf course management, industrial heating design, sales force management, image banks engineering...and we can help you too!

  L o c a t i o n
  35 minutes from Philadelphia
  10 minutes from King of Prussia
  10 minutes from Valley Forge
  10 minutes from Lansdale
  90 minutes from Harrisburg

  O u r R a t e s
We offer flexible billing for optimal customer satisfaction.

•Flat rate quoting for larger jobs.  Free on site customer evaluation & quote.
•Hourly billing available for small jobs, or customization to your existing system.
•Additional work can be done by your programmers or ours.
•We utilize our vast library of files & solutions to minimize development time and maximize functionality.  
 Think of the time and money we can save you!
•Hourly rate is  $75 - $135 depending on duration and skill level of the technician required.
•One hour minimum charge for service calls.

  J o i n  O u r  L i s t  o f  o v e r 2 0 0 H a p p y C l i e n t s, h e r e a r e j u s t a f e w :

Adams Graphics

Air Handling Services

Astra-Zeneca Pharmaceuticals

Blackwood Golf Course

Bulthaup Studios of Philadelphia

Butter Valley Golf Port

Adelphia Graphic Systems

Centocor Pharmaceuticals

Coldwell Banker


Hempfield School District

Lodging Property Brokers, Inc.

NEWSLine Publications

Principle Supply

Professional Systems Engineering

Vitality Magazine

Visual Sound

York Wallcoverings

Milton Hershey School

Chester County Intermediate Unit

And many more...