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M a c E a s y C o m p u t i n g


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Our service rate is $75-135/hr plus travel time. One hour minimum charge for house calls.

We've all been there... unexpected system errors, system failures or maybe your machine won't even startup. It's time to call the experts. Our system diagnostic tools will have you up and running again in no time. Our average repair time is 41 minutes. Some repairs as quick as 5 minutes. Why risk losing your data or your own valuable time. Most users spend hours trying to trouble shoot their own problems when as little as $100 could do the trick. System Analysis $75/hr plus travel time. One hour minimum charge for house calls.

Our clients save time and money. Not only can we suggest the best hardware & software, we can usually save our clients money on it too! What software is best? How do I? Can I do this with my Mac? These are the common questions we hear everyday. We regularly help you find the most efficient and cost effective method of getting the job done. From simple questions about software compression to the more complex questions about paint vs. drawing programs, data manipulation and networking we help you solve real world problems. Basic Consulting $75/hr plus travel time. One hour minimum charge for house calls.

  C o m m e n t s / S u g g e s t i o n s

We are constantly working to improve our services, and we keep your comments and questions in mind.
Please write to us at
info@maceasycomputing.com. We will respond as quickly as possible.